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Fey Tarot

Four of Swords

The Image

Among the ruin of an ancient palace, a Fey turns to jump, her eyes deep and shining with a cold light - the light of inevitability - while she brandishes a sword strongly. With her other hand she draws symbols in blood on her face and body. Strength, decisions, courage and also a terrible but very sweet fragility radiate from her.

Simple Meaning

To get to the bottom of things. To know how to renounce things for oneself. To lose oneself totally. To do what you must do, even though you wish it wasn't necessary.

Advanced Meaning

In traditional iconography the Four of Swords was represented by a horseman asleep on a tomb. The Fey of the Four of Swords does not sleep. She is alive, ardent, ferocious and very beautiful; but in her heart she already feels dead. She has renounced everything, and the first thing she renounced was fear. Now she prepares herself, like a knight on guard to face his destiny, whatever it is. She will not hesitate or turn back.
What makes you feel sorry for her is that she has no hope; she has abandoned her dreams; she has grown and aged too fast; she has abandoned her soul because of her 'duty'. And yet it is this decision that animates her and is the fruit of her soul and her profound sensitivity.

Symbols Used

Blood is the symbol of what the Fey no longer wishes to fear, of the pain that she will not feel, of death, of being struck and striking.
Her position is that of someone who is proud and ready to strike, even a friend, but also of resolution, generated from calmness rather than from fanaticism or anger.